Friday, June 17, 2011

Roll and Run

Students are put into groups of about four (depending on class size). The instructor will place one cone even with the side of the pins and another cone along the bowling line. One team of two players stands behind the pins while the other team of two players stands in a single file behind the bowling line. The first bowler rolls the ball toward the pins and runs to the cone located by the pins attempting to touch it, and returns back before the opposing team can set up any knocked down bowling pins in the correct 10-pin position. The bowler receives one point if he/she successfully makes it back to the bowling line cone before the pin setup team finishes their task and calls out “stop”. The next partner then rolls and runs. The teams switch roles after each player has completed their single turn. No intentional slow rolls are allowed. If the bowler makes it down to the cone before the ball, he or she has to wait until the bowling ball hits the pin(s). Play to 10 points then switch teams. This game not only gets a good workout in but it also gets everyone involved. Have fun playing!

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